Tuesday, February 12, 2008


what have I been up to?

Well, I'd like to say that I've had a full and exciting life but it isn't the case.

I've been sat on my behind, waiting for a piece of paper that will take me back to my job and my beloved. I miss TL a lot. It's harder than I thought it would be. Mainly because there's no end date, I don't know when I'll leave. My life is hanging on in limbo, waiting for someone at the Work Permits department to go through my stacks of papers and issue me (hopefully) a work permit. Then it has to fly here and then I apply for entry clearance. It doesn't make me feel better that it's now 11 working days delay at Work Permits and the woman at HR isn't going to bother chasing it for me anymore.

I shall just sit and wait. People tell me to go and relax but it's hard. I haven't earnt anything and I'm spending all this money that isn't mine. And I can't relax because I'm impatient and excited about going back to my new project and my darling. Yes, I'm being sickly sweet and romantic. Suck it.

The waiting game is the worst in the world. I miss you.

1 comment:

Mich said...

yeah, time crawls for those who wait!