Tuesday, February 28, 2006

A thought. Or two. Maybe more.

I look for validation in wrong places.

Maybe it's time I look for them with the right people.

Am currently in love with "Like Her" by Mandalay and the new Jack Johnson album. It's the only thing that I'm listening to, all the time, on repeat.

Bored as hell with my life. But there's nothing better so I've got make the best of it.

Shrove Tuesday today. The rest of the Christian world has carnivals/Mardi Gras galore.
In England, people eat pancakes.
Go figure.
Nonetheless, we are having a pancake party.

It looks like
You won’t be staying round
Given the time
And your mood
You look a lot like her
And you look so like
You won’t be staying around
Here in this half light
You look a lot like her
The most haunting lyrics ever. Helped along with the vocals of Nicola Hitchcock.

Sunday, February 26, 2006

The Magnificat

My soul glorifies the Lord,
my spirit rejoices in God, my Saviour,
He looks on his servant in her lowliness;
henceforth all ages will call me blessed.

The Almighty works marvels for me.
Holy is his name!
His mercy is from age to age,
on those who fear him.

He puts forth his arm in strength
and scatters the proud-hearted.
He casts the mighty from their thrones
and raises the lowly.

He fills the starving with good things,
send the rich away empty,

He protects Israel, his servant,
remembering his mercy,
the mercy promised to our fathers,
to Abraham and his sons for ever.

So, I managed to drag my sorry little self to church today, remembering that Ash Wednesday is in a few days time and I need to start thinking about Lent. It was great. I do love going to church and having time with me and God. I must do it more.

What do I give up for Lent? Not going to be helped by the fact that my friend's wedding is in the middle of it (Congratulations Katey, can't wait!!) and that I will be in America for two weeks.

Suggestions welcome.
And something simple please, I'm not a big fan of willpower and discipline.

Saturday, February 18, 2006

Party party party

All work and no play makes me very bored. So, went down to London on Thursday for dinner.

Then the party crazy bug hidden inside crept out on Friday so met with Annie and Jo for drinks at the Duke. Then later in the evening went out with my housemates Toni and Carlo to The Old School for a party. Toni gets in for free because he knows the guys running it. We get in for free because he gave Carlo a VIP pass card. Nice. Jo joins us and we boogie until 2:30am.

And tonight I have to pick between going to London for Schaff's flatwarming craziness or try to cope with another St Cross party. I think London beckons...

Friday, February 17, 2006


Rash decisions
Surreal experiences
Faceless names
Nameless faces
Fleeting glances

No thought
No time

Push the rush
No regrets.


Monday, February 13, 2006

Blissful relief

I went to see Mary for the weekend. She introduced me to Firefly, and I'm now in love with it. It's basically Indiana Jones meets Star Wars quality. We went for a pampering treatment, the whole caboodle with massage and facial. Very blissful. Mary is a rare friend, someone whom I can just sit around quietly without worrying or thinking about much. There's no need to talk too much and silence is just as meaningful as the spoken word.

Went to church for the first time in a long time with Mary as well. I guess there's something about the churches in Oxford that don't compel me to go. It's not that I'm still not close to God and it's not that my belief in faltered. The sense of community that I wish to have doesn't seem to exist in the places where I want to worship my saviour. But that's neither here nor there. It feels nice to be in a church and to be in Mass, to celebrate Communion and be at one with the Holy Spirit physically.

I finished reading a few books lately that have struck some deep thought. Thanks to Katey who gave me the books. The Binding Chair by Kathryn Harrison. She describes in graphic detail the story of a woman who had her foot bound and her (mis)-adventures through life with it. She relishes in the pain that she describes through the books and enjoys describing perverse fetishes, of which there are many in the book. Right after that I read The Rice Mother by Rani Manicka. I will be slightly biased about this book mainly because I am Malaysian and I have every right to nitpick on whatever I feel like. This book is multigenerational and spans matriachal lines. It starts of with a child bride travelling from Ceylon (Sri Lanka) to Malaysia, the land of dreams. Basically, an American dream story. Hard work will give you a great life, all of this interspersed with the usual Malaysian melee of racial diversity and inequality, the progress through time from a small town to a big city and the changes in lifestyle.

Both authors relish the sexual perversity or sheer cruelty that they want to exist in the life of their characters. It's not as if they don't exist in real life. I just find it condescending that they could not choose to develop their characters in a better light. Strong female characters are always cruel or have strange sexual perversions. What is it about the female self that when even a woman is writing about another she can't potray her in a more well-rounded way? Or are all our neuroses so genetic that we can't bear to think of another woman in a better light than we see ourselves? Where are the female role models that we need to see around us today?

Finally got round to reading Girl with the Pearl Earring by Tracy Chevalier and everyone's right. The movie isn't as good as the book.

And now moving on to the final book on my reading shelf at the moment, Lords of the Fly: Drosophila Genetics and the Experimental Life by Robert Kohler. Technically, it's classed as a history textbook but I find it particularly helpful and rather amusing to read about the good old days of genetics when only not so modern tools were available to break down and give the scientist much grief!

Now if I only could some motivation to get up in the morning and do some work at normal hours instead of being a nocturnal creature?

Wednesday, February 08, 2006


Today I discovered how screwed up it can all get. I have been awake for far too long, having had another night of insomnia last night. I've been awake for about 27 hours straight now. Wow.

I left my passport yesterday at the US Embassy where it will be returned to me within 5-10 working days.

Today, someone stole my bank cards out of my wallet in my lab. Luckily bank cards are easily replaceable and banks SHOULD *crossing fingers* be pretty good about replacing fradulent transactions.

But the bummer of it is I now can't even go to a bank to withdraw cash as although I have a cheque book I don't have a photo and signature ID. Bless Gav and his lil cotton socks, he's gonna get me some cash for the weekend and I'm hoping Mary *hint hint* will help sort me out for a bit.

On the upside, the little thieving piece of shit didn't take my whole wallet and bank cards are the easiest to replace. One quick phone call. Unlike all my other cards and my driver's license.

And it means I won't go shopping when the new Primark opens in Oxford tomorrow.

There's always a good side to things in life..


And damnit, if you're a friend reading this post, show me some love. *sniff sniff*

Tuesday, February 07, 2006

An exercise in capitalism

I recently had the experience for a great exercise in capitalism. I needed a US visa for a conference that I will be attending in March. It's very exciting, the conference is "47th Annual Drosophila Research Conference"

But that's beside the point.

First of all, I needed to schedule an appointment, on a premium line number. So 5 minutes later at £1.50 a minute, I managed to get an appointment for the next week.

Not that bad.

Then I had to get the form online, with a recent passport photograph. Not just any old passport photograph, but one which according the their website, be "2 inches (50mm) square, with the head centered in the frame. The head (measured from the top of the hair to the bottom of the chin) should measure between 1 & 1 3/8 inches (25mm to 35mm) with the eye level between 1 & 1/8 inch to 1 & 1 3/8 inches (28mm and 35 mm) from the bottom of the photograph".

Wow, and I thought I was perfectionist.

Then, the visa application fee, £63. It's non-refundable whether or not you get the visa, the fee just lets you walk through the front door. Nice.

And then you wait for your turn.

To get your passport returned to you with your visa in it, you then pay a courier service £9.50 as you leave. And of course, you'll get the option to upgrade your delivery, for a fee. Of course.

Thankfully, I got the visa. It still cost a small fortune to obtain it though.

Welcome to America, home of the capitalist, how would you like to pay, m'am?


Sunday, February 05, 2006

Three Wishes

I wish that all my friends were in one place with me (doesn't matter where, although a tropical island would be nice) so I wouldn't have to miss out on anything important in their lives.

I wish that someone could really and truly love me for who I am. I'm tired of playing a character, being a charade in a play to suit the person.

I wish that I had won the EuroMillions lottery on Friday. Loose change, it was only £126million.


Sundays are sublimely beautiful in their peaceful little way.


Saturday, February 04, 2006

Fabulous feasts!

I appear to associate myself with food quite a lot. Must be something about being Malaysian. A common way of affirming friendships or any relationship is down to food. It's all about feasts! How much can we eat? How good is the food?

And enough of the silly rhymes. On Monday, I organised a last minute Chinese New Year dinner and somehow I managed to pull it off and made 8-courses! YES!

Although a last minute dinner I managed to get Xindan and Jo-Pei around. Carlo lives with me so he's obliged to eat the food I prepare. Chad, well, it's free food. What can I say? (I do love him to bits!)

I continued this reaffirmation of friendship thing over food again on Thursday by meeting Keiko for lunch. I realised that I hadn't seen her for over half a year even though we keep meaning to meet up, and it's manic! She even works in the same area that I do, lives relatively close to me and well, we just can't arrange a time to see each other. But we promise to meet up with each other more often. That's in the next 6 months right?

Tonight I had fantastic crepes made by the ever wonderful Frenchie. Jean-Marie outdid himself and produced the best crepes ever. And the bonus point of having Ale as his girlfriend meant that there was ham on the table. Impressed! Wonderful company. We got Andres and Akua, Chad and a couple of Ale's housemates around as well.

Can't wait until Monday night when Katey has promised me roast Thai onion soup as well as sword fish steaks for dinner with the promise of dessert being ice cream spooned straight from the tub direct to the gob.

Who knows what Tim and Joy are promising on Wednesday evening? I promised to make creme caramel for dessert and they are providing the main.

Fantastic, scrumptious, delicious, exciting food!

I now have way too much hibernation blubber going on but who cares!

Calories don't really count when eating with friends.


Thursday, February 02, 2006

You know it's time to worry...

So, I was working in the lab when I felt a twitch in my left eye. I decided to ignore it but it wouldn't go away. Then I looked in the mirror and it's an allergic reaction. My left eye is now twice the size it normally is. I would take a picture and post it but it's kinda gross.

How is this worrying? Well, I spent about oh, 40 minutes debating with myself on whether I should go home and take some antihistamines. Clearly, for some people, this is not a question for self-debate..

My first thought was that I can still see perfectly well with my right eye, it's fine. Then the right eye started to twitch and I swore.

So I'm home, doped up on drugs and achieved nothing for my PhD.