Friday, July 07, 2006

A woman and her shoes

So, been helping Acua pack her stuff. They are going to be away for 4 1/2 months but she can't bear the thought of parting with her 30 pairs of shoes. I'm going to miss them while they're away.

There's been a photo competition at work, the demolition work next to ours is a pain in the butt. For those not in the know, the building I used to work in, the Walter Bodmer building is now being torn down to be replaced by a shiny new building.

I've also decided I want a squeaky toy at work. But the boys in the lab have vetoed it. I wonder why...

Sunday, July 02, 2006

Things that make me happy

'Stolen' moments to pray

Home made pesto

Smiling with random strangers

Roast duck salad with mushroom and red onion red wine gravy

Watching 22 fit men running around a small field, kicking a very fast ball

A hot sunny day with a breeze

Well made mojitos

Friends who reply texts at random hours of the day

Phone conversations about nothing at all

Lazy Sundays


I have a football shaped hole in my life until Tuesday. What am I to do with myself??

Saturday, July 01, 2006

Read below

There is a new post. Sort of, I started one and edited it today. So skip the suicidal one and read the happy one....

I'd also like to say that Ricardo is the best goalkeeper in the world right now...