Tuesday, August 16, 2005

My first post!

I am posting a blog. Have joined the revolution? Maybe not.

But I am crap at emails and this is an easy way for people to sort of have an idea of what is going on in my life. Especially since I am now connected to the Internet 24/7 at my new place.

Went punting today. For those not in the know, punting is an Oxbridge (Oxford, Cambridge) thing. Flat boat, river, long pole, alcohol and students. ahh...the life for those who participate in this grand educational institution. yeah, right. It's quite fun, a lot of work but fun. It's similar to the gondola boat rides you get in Venice, except that you have to push the boat. It's quite funny when you are not so good at steering as you zig zag from one side of the river bank to another.

Aside from that, not much. I am watching CSI:NY at the moment on TV. Haven't seen this series yet but am obssessed with the other two. It's scary. I am not doing too much work on my PhD at the moment. That will have to change at some point. Too many things in my life that distract me from actually doing it. I hope no one who is concerned with my work or lack of it will be reading this.

I'm done for the night. Over and out.

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