Friday, November 17, 2006

I officially hate...

so many things, so little time to list them all.

First of all, I hate that it's freaking 1:30am and I'm still awake even though I am exhausted.

Then I go to make some food in the kitchen and find that someone stole the radio I left in there. OK, so it's not technically stolen yet but it's not where I put it and it's mine.

Does that make it stolen?

Then I get harassed by some dumb blonde but life is too short for that.

And did I tell you how much I hate my freaking phd right now?

At this moment in time, I would like to collapse in a alcohol and drug induced haze and not have to wake up for a while.

But that would just be too drastic so I'm going to try and eat my pasta (horror of horrors, I have lost my appetite) and watch people dying of strange diseases (watching House, MD)

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