Monday, May 15, 2006

The People's Petition

Spread the word. The People's Petition is an online petition for those who support medical research for animals. No, I don't believe in using rabbits for the hell of it but I believe in research, carried out under very strict guidelines, enables us humans to live a better and longer life. Stopping animal research could set us back years in the fight against many human diseases.

Please stand up for what you believe in and don't let the extremists win. Animal rights extremists are no better than terrorists, they propagate fear in general society and indoctrinate all their followers to an extreme belief. They do not belong in a moderate liberal society.

Scientists feel presecuted for research into what they fundamentally believe will change the world. Will you support them in their quest to cure what might kill you some day? Sign the petition, make your voice heard and don't be terrorised by the extremists.

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