Thursday, February 02, 2006

You know it's time to worry...

So, I was working in the lab when I felt a twitch in my left eye. I decided to ignore it but it wouldn't go away. Then I looked in the mirror and it's an allergic reaction. My left eye is now twice the size it normally is. I would take a picture and post it but it's kinda gross.

How is this worrying? Well, I spent about oh, 40 minutes debating with myself on whether I should go home and take some antihistamines. Clearly, for some people, this is not a question for self-debate..

My first thought was that I can still see perfectly well with my right eye, it's fine. Then the right eye started to twitch and I swore.

So I'm home, doped up on drugs and achieved nothing for my PhD.


Anonymous said...

ohhhh. poor girl! no wonder you haven't been online.
take care of yourself! mwah.

Mary said...

Hon! That sounds nasty... I suspect it's not a reaction to wine or chocoalte (There speaks the engineer with no medical training)... so go eat and veg ;-)

Take care xx

Anonymous said...

ooiii, charbo! must see doctor!!