Tuesday, February 28, 2006

A thought. Or two. Maybe more.

I look for validation in wrong places.

Maybe it's time I look for them with the right people.

Am currently in love with "Like Her" by Mandalay and the new Jack Johnson album. It's the only thing that I'm listening to, all the time, on repeat.

Bored as hell with my life. But there's nothing better so I've got make the best of it.

Shrove Tuesday today. The rest of the Christian world has carnivals/Mardi Gras galore.
In England, people eat pancakes.
Go figure.
Nonetheless, we are having a pancake party.

It looks like
You won’t be staying round
Given the time
And your mood
You look a lot like her
And you look so like
You won’t be staying around
Here in this half light
You look a lot like her
The most haunting lyrics ever. Helped along with the vocals of Nicola Hitchcock.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

yes, a definite difference in cultural practice. pancakes or showing your breasts to acquire beads (while drinking highly alcoholic concoctions, of course). hmm, big decision.