Wednesday, November 28, 2007

A change of status

I was on the train the other day, doing some reading for my new job and when I got up to leave, the woman next to me asked in her nosy American accent if I was still a student.

The natural instinct was to reply yes but it took me about 5 seconds to work it out in my head and I had to mutter a no. She commented that I was doing some heavy duty reading and I assured her it was for my job.

It's very sad that I have to let go of it.

Now, if only I could get the real job to start. But that's another story.

Thursday, November 15, 2007

Welcome to my day from hell

How bad can one day get? It's like in the movies, where someone has one streak of bad luck after another and it's quite funny.

Today is the day I get to come back to Oxford to print out my thesis, so it can get bound and I can submit the final copy and get the official confirmation so I can get the work permit.

(No, nothing is ever simple in my life, a thesis submission is never JUST a thesis submission)

We start the day off waking up to the alarm clock and realising I've no idea where the stickers for the CD labels are, mad hunt around the house for them and they are tucked safely in a box yet to be unpacked (oh, there's more to that)

Then off to the train station where there are no trains because a piece of rail broke. Get told to wait so I do. Half an hour later, we get on the train where miraculously it actually stops at somewhere I can change at. Only that I get there 3 minutes to late and the next train isn't for another hour. So I sit and wait, like a well-trained English person now only to find the train has been cancelled due to staff shortage. Excellent.

Thankfully, 10 minutes later, the train is reinstated. Except that I get to my next changing station 3 minutes too late as the last train just left and wait 10 minutes for the next train. The hard part is over, I hear you say.

IT's only just begun....

Arriving in Oxford, I rush to the binders, and get told that even if I rush it in for tomorrow, it won't be ready till Tuesday. FABULOUS.

My addled brain thinks it's certainly possible to print off the copies I need in 2 hours, PLENTY OF TIME.


madly rushing to the lab for THE print. First print run, Word has fucked up some of my formatting so I fix it on the fly and hope for the best but on printing out supposed fixed pages, I find word has actually fucked up the formatting for SOME (but not all) of my captions, automatically renumbering pages as I go along. Course, I didn't realise this until I sent the second copy to print.

So it's now 4:30, I'm tired and just want a fuck off glass of red wine but I'm sat in a cold crappy lab having had a lukewarm pasty and tea that tasted of dishwater for lunch and swearing at word.

You just can't make up a day like this.